Experts Used In Family Law Cases

  • Appraiser

    Appraisers are often hired in divorce and dissolution matters to help ascertain the value of marital assets such as real estate, art, jewelry, collections, vehicles, and many other items. These individuals may be jointly engaged by the parties, or each party may hire their own expert appraiser.

  • Business Valuator

    In divorce or dissolution matters involving a business owned by either party, your attorney may suggest that you hire an expert business valuator who is a trained forensic accountant. This individual will conduct a thorough review of the financials of the business to determine the value and the income of the business owner spouse.

  • QDRO Attorney

    “QDRO” stands for Qualified Domestic Relations Order. QDROs are used to divide qualified marital retirement assets. QDROs are complex and technical documents governed by the federal ERISA statute. Your attorney may recommend engaging an attorney who specializes in drafting QDROs to ensure your assets are divided properly and with the least tax consequence to you.

  • Psychological Evaluator

    Contested custody matters often involve concerns over mental health for either party or the parties’ children. A psychologist can conduct psychological testing to determine whether a diagnosable mental health condition is at play, and can also make recommendations for the appropriate treatment for the affected party.

  • Financial Planner

    Many times in marriage, one spouse primarily handles the family finances and investments. The spouse who does not handle the finances may wish to increase his or her financial literacy during the divorce process. A financial planner can be very helpful to this spouse and can often assist with the investment of assets received as part of a settlement.

  • Co-Parenting Professional

    Our attorneys often recommend the services of a co-parenting counselor or co-parenting coach to assist parties with establishing a healthy two-household co-parenting relationship. Our attorneys have a wide network of qualified professionals who can make lasting and positive impacts in the lives of families and children.